How we make the magic happen
Events, communication, various other projects and FIRe - our digital finance hub
To share information and promote fintechs, our activities revolve around three axes:
the organisation of public and private events, communication, various other projects and FIRe, our digital finance hub
1. Organisation of various events
At Fintech Belgium, we organise a variety of events both in person and online. Our in-person events provide valuable opportunities for networking and direct interaction, fostering a vibrant community within the fintech sector. Additionally, our online events ensure accessibility and convenience, allowing participants to engage and collaborate. We strive to offer a diverse range of formats to accommodate all preferences and maximise the reach and impact of our initiatives.
Upcoming events
Public events
Evening/afternoon conferences on relatively more generic topics gathering 40-100 delegates around a specific topic. A great focus is set on networking.
2-4h deep dive sessions for 10-30 people focusing on sharing knowledge through experience, practical cases and hands-on exercises.
Trainings on specific regulatory, cybersecurity, and other fintechs needs given by our partners. Open to all but tailor-made for fintechers.
Demo sessions
What is new on the market and in our industry?
These 2h sessions main focus is to bring innovation and new digital financial solutions into the spotlight. They are perfect for all companies on stage to create new connections and opportunities for themselves.
The concept is to mix
pitches, from early startup presenting their innovative concept to well known players introducing their new product,
with reverse-pitches, where our corporate partners will present their needs and call for tenders
and networking rooms animated by each of the presenting companies.
Digital Finance Summit
The pinnacle of our year, is the organisation of the Digital Finance Summit.
In 2023, the 1-day conference featured:
+600 attendees
120 speakers
+100 bankers/insurers/FS professionals
+230 fintechers
+300 companies
32 represented countries
5 Stages
7 Roundtables
1 Classroom
23 hours of content
33 stands & 64 partners
4 hours of Fintastic Party
Private events
Do you need to bring fresh ideas to your teams showcasing new projects in digital finance? Are looking for inspiration to push the boundaries of your industry? Or maybe simply in need for new solutions to improve your services, products or workflow?
Fintech can be found at all levels of a company, from governance to finance, insurance, accounting, HR, payment management, debts collection, …
We can help you by organising for you…
Brainstorming sessions
Organised for our corporate partners in their offices (or remotely) together with several of our fintech members and animated by a consulting company.
Fintech event just for you
How better to inspire your employees cross-departments? We can bring 5 members to pitch in front of your teams, in your offices or remotely, whilst you can introduce and animate the event.
2. Communication with our members and community
Since 2014, FinTech Belgium has gathered a very dynamic and on-growing community… From our fintech, insurtech, regtech, accountingtech members, which we keep a direct contact with, to incumbents, consulting companies and legal offices, regulators and policy makers, investors, academics and students, press, our audience has now surpassed the 5000 contacts for each campaign we launch. Our website is being completely revamped and will soon be displaying news from our community.
3. Management of special projects with our members and partners
Thanks to a strong and close relationship with our +100 members, FinTech Belgium is the perfect ally for special projects and requests…
Co-signed project such as barometers, surveys, etc.
The presence of FTBE and its members on a Trade mission or on different events from local unavoidable conferences to big International fairs such as M2020, as a delegation or on a shared booth
The contribution of FinTechers wherever and whenever they are needed to inspire students on Academic events dedicated to digital finance, or to employees of a partner to inject creativity and innovation into their team…