LUXHUB & CSoftware for the FERA digital program
Picture: Ramzi Diziri (left) and Nuno Francisco (right).
Open Finance pioneer and Fintech Belgium member LUXHUB is glad to announce that CSoftware is now efficiently leveraging several of its Account Information and Payment Initiation Services, available in the FERA digital platform.
FERA consists of a Digital Platform and a set of solutions with an integrated tool for business management, destined to support the growth and development of SMEs, craftsmen, independent workers, etc.
The addition of the LUXHUB-powered AIS (Account Information Services) & PIS (Payment Initiation Services) modules strengthens FERA’s value proposition, adding useful banking account information and smooth payment initiation services that will benefit end-customers.
“By providing our clients with these new features, we are enabling them to save time on the one hand and consolidate their financial data on the other, giving them a more accurate and real-time view of the health of their business. It notably drastically facilitates the fastidious processes, while adding more flexibility to daily operations,” explains Victor Cunha, CEO of CSoftware.
“The combination of account aggregation and payment initiation services provides customers with frictionless experiences, supporting SMEs and any other type of customers, to facilitate their business management,” highlights Ramzi Dziri, Head of Product at LUXHUB.
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