Webinar with BMI Executive Institute and Prof. Rudy Aernoudt


04/10/2024, 12:00-13:30

Fuel Your Fintech: Securing Venture Capital for Growth

We are thrilled to announce the success of our recent webinar, "Fuel Your Fintech: Securing Venture Capital for Growth" co-organized with BMI Executive Institute. The event featured insights from the renowned Belgian economist Prof. Rudy Aernoudt, who brought his vast expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation to the table.

Throughout the session, Prof. Aernoudt explored the evolving venture capital landscape, emphasizing the significance of "dry powder"—the considerable reserves of capital waiting to be invested. He also shared practical strategies for fintech companies to secure venture funding and discussed key trends shaping the investment environment.

We want to extend our deepest thanks to Prof. Aernoudt for his invaluable insights, to BMI Executive Institute for their collaboration, and to all attendees who contributed to the lively discussion. Your engagement made the event a true success, and we look forward to seeing you at our future events as we continue fueling fintech innovation together!

For our Members, check the replay and

the presentation of the Webinar HERE



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