Open Banking MeetUp

September 9th, Brussels & Online
Discover the results of our PSD2 Barometer
January of this year marked the 3-year anniversary of PSD2, and while Open Banking is still very young, it is resolutely proving to be an interesting opportunity for fintechs and banks to work in partnership.
The directive's new rules were created to foster innovation, increase competition in the ecosystem and provide a better customer service, obligating banks to open up the authorised accessibility of customer data to third party service providers.
It would establish a whole wave of new fintech services, allowing third party applications to initiate payments as well as provide account information related services, with the consent of the customer.
A lot of innovation intentions that greatly impacted our industry.
3 years later, has the fintech industry known the boost expected with PSD2? Have the banks experienced this opening as a threat or an opportunity? From security, tech, processes to business purpose, both banks and fintechs have faced a lot of challenges, were they all expected?
Fintech Belgium in collaboration with Pulse Consult have decided to create a barometer to accurately measure the impact of PSD2 on open finance, its evolution and challenges, and what we should expect in the future.
Join us on Sept. 9th to hear what banks, financial services, TPPs and other actors of Open Banking have to share their experience, insights and views on what PSD2 will bring next.
Doors open
Conference - Results of the FTBE/Pulse Consult PSD2 barometer
- Introduction by Arnaud Sirtaine from Pulse Consult
- Industry insight and views by banks, TTPs, new Open Banking service providers by:
Marc Lainez from Ibanity
Len Collier from Argenta
Pieter Lambrechts from OkiOki
Panel and Q&A session:
Short introduction by Pierre Berger from DLA Piper
Luc Gillain from FinFlag
Jorge Libert from Smart4Invest
Conclusions by Arnaud Sirtaine
Eat, drink and greet